clear ; clc ; close ; //Chapter1 //Example1.11(1), page no 39 //Given T = 10; //time Tau Tg = -T/2 :0.1: T/2; // time period for given Gate Function -tau/2 to tau/2 G_t0 = 1; //Magnitude of Gate Function (A) G_t = G_t0* ones (1, length (Tg));// Gate function G(t) f = -%pi: %pi / length (Tg): %pi ; Dw = 0.1; F_jW =G_t*exp(sqrt(-1)*Tg'*f)*Dw;// fourier Transform of the gate function F_jW = real(F_jW); // Plotting the Fourier Transform of G(t) figure subplot (2 ,1 ,1) a=gca(); a.y_location ="origin"; a.x_location ="origin"; plot2d(Tg,G_t,2); xtitle( ' Given Function (Gate Function) G(t) ' ) subplot(2 ,1 ,2) a= gca(); a.y_location ="origin"; a.x_location ="origin"; plot2d(f,F_jW,5); xlabel('Frequency in Radians/Seconds '); title('Continuous time Fourier Transform X(jW)' ) xtitle ( 'Fourier Transform of G(t)= F(jW) ' ) mprintf('F(w)= A*t*Sa(w*t/2) ')