clc clear //INPUT DATA cp=1.25;//specific heat of helium inkj/kg-K v=1000;//volume of the gas in ml w=0.1785;//mass of the gas at N.T.P in gm p=76*13.6*981;//pressure of the gas at N.T.P in dynes T=273;//temperature at N.T.P in K //CALCULATIONS V=1000/w;//volume occupied by the 1gm of helium gas in cc cv=cp/1.66;//specific heat at constant volume it is monatomuc gas kj/kg-K r=p*V/T;//gas constant in cm^3.atm./K.mol J=r/(cp-cv);//mechanical equivalent of heat in erg/cal //OUTPUT mprintf('the mechanical equivalent of heat is %3.2f ergs/calories',J)