//Chapter-3, Example 3.6, Page 3.17 //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA VL=11000;//Supply line voltage in V P=12;//Number of poles f=50;//Supply frequency in Hz R2=0.2;//Rotor resistance in ohm X2=1.2;//Rotor reactance at stand still in ohm N=480;//Full load speed in rpm //CALCULATIONS s=(R2/X2);//Slip at maximum torque Ns=(120*f)/P;//Synchronous speed in rpm s1=(Ns-N)/Ns;//Slip at full load T=((R2^2+(s1^2*X2^2))/((2*X2)*(s1*R2)));//Ratio of maximum and full load torque T1=((R2^2+X2^2)/(2*X2*R2));//Ratio of maximum and starting torque //OUTPUT mprintf('a)Slip at maximum torque is %3.2f \nb)Ratio of maximum and full load torque is %3.2f \nc)Ratio of maximum and starting torque is %3.2f',s,T,T1) //=================================END OF PROGRAM==============================