//Chapter 18, Problem 1 clc; v=120; //dc supply c=15e-6; //capacitance in farad r=47e3; //resistance in ohms taw=r*c; //time constant t1=taw; vcta= v*(1-%e^(-1*t1/taw)); vct = v/2; t = 0:0.1:10 vc = v*(1-%e^(-1*t/taw)); plot(t,vc) xtitle("capacitor voltage/time characteristic", "t", "Vc") t = -1*taw*log(1 - vct/v); printf("\n (a)The capacitor voltage at a time equal to one time constant = %.2f V",vcta) printf("\n (b)The time for the capacitor voltage to reach one half of its steady state value = %.1f sec",t)