//Chapter 10, Problem 9, figure 10.19 clc; tc = 500e-6; // in s/cm Vc = 5; // in V/cm w = 4; // in cm ( width of one complete cycle ) h = 5; // in cm ( peak-to-peak height of the display ) //calculation: T = w*tc f = 1/T ptpv = h*Vc Amp = ptpv/2 Vrms = Amp/(2^0.5) printf("\n\n (a)Frequency, f = %.0f Hz",f) printf("\n\n (b)the peak-to-peak voltage = %.0f V",ptpv) printf("\n\n (c)Amplitude = %.1f V",Amp) printf("\n\n (d)r.m.s voltage = %.2f V",Vrms)