//chapter 12 //example 12.2 //page 364 clear all; clc ; //given values in ohm Zi2=967; hfe1=100; R3=12000; hie1=1000; R9=150; hfe2=100; hie2=1000; R7=R3; RL=120*10^3; R10=R7; R1=RL; R2=39*10^3; //voltage gain of stage 1 A1=-hfe1*(R3*Zi2/(R3+Zi2))/(hie1+R9*(1+hfe1)); printf("\nvoltage gain of stage 1=%.1f",A1); //voltage gain of stage 2 Rp=(1/R7)+(1/RL)+(1/R10); A2=-hfe2*(1/Rp)/hie2; printf("\nvoltage gain of stage 2=%d",A2); //open loop gain A1=-5.5;A2=-571; M = (A1)*(A2) ; printf("\nopen loop gain =%d",M); //feedback factor B=R9 /(R9 + R10); b=B^-1; printf("\nfeedback factor(beta)=1/%d",b) Av1=1/B;//for M*beta >>1 Av2=M/(1+M*B);//closed loop gain printf("\nclosed loop gain=%d or %d if M*beta >>1",ceil(Av2),Av1); Zb=hie1; Zin=(1+M*B)*Zb; //input impedance Zi=1/((1/Zin)+(1/R1)+(1/R2))*10^-3; printf("\ninput impedance=%d kohm",ceil(Zi)); //output impedance Zout=(R7*R10/(R7+R10))/(1+M*B); printf("\noutput impedance =%d ohm",ceil(Zout)); XC1=Zi/10; f1=100;//Hz C1=10^3/(2*%pi *f1*XC1); printf("\ncapacitor C1=%.2f microF,use standard value 1 microF",C1)