// Example 7.7 page no-409 clear clc //Though the calculations are same as given in book answers do not match with the answers given in the Book. Rs=0 hfe=50 hie =1.100 hre=0 hoe=0 r5=2.2000 r7=3.3000 r3=33 r1=0.1 r2=10 r9=2.2 R1=0.98 r6=2.2 R0=2 //Rl =R5 is in parallel with R7,R8 and h1e2 Rl1=(r5*r3*r7*hie)/((r5*r3*r7)+(hie*r3*r7)+(r5*hie*r7)+(r5*r3*hie)) printf("Rl1_dash=%f",Rl1) Rl2=(r9*(r1+r2))/(r9+(r1+r2)) printf("\nRl2=%f = 2 KOhm(approx)",Rl2) Re=(r1*r6)/(r1+r6) printf("\nRe=%f kohm=%.0f ohm",Re,ceil(Re*1000)) Av1=-(hfe*Rl1)/(hie+(1+hfe)*0.098)//The voltage gain AV1 of Q] for a common emitter transistor with emitter resistance Av2=(-hfe*Rl2)/hie//Voltage gain AY2 of transistor Q2 printf("\nAv1=%.2f\nAv2=%.2f",Av1,Av2) Av=Av1*Av2//Voltage gain Ay of the two stages is cascade without feedback B=r1/(r1+r2) K=Av*B D=1+K Avf=Av/D printf("\nAvf=%d",Avf) Ri=hie+(1+hfe)*Re//Input resistance without external feedback Ridash=Ri*D printf("\nRi_dash = %f K Ohm",Ridash) Rof=R0/D//Output resistance without feedback printf("\nRof_dash=%f K Ohm",Rof)