clear clc n=9 disp('first of row denotes the different values of sample ') A(1,:)=[45 47 50 52 48 47 49 53 51]; disp('the second row denotes the corresponding deviation ') for i=1:9 A(2,i)=A(1,i)-48; end disp('the third row denotes the corresponding square of deviation') for i=1:9 A(3,i)=A(2,i)^2; end disp('the sum of second row elements =') a=0; for i=1:9 a=a+A(2,i); end a disp('the sum of third row elements ") b=0; for i=1:9 b=b+A(3,i); end b disp('let m be the mean ') m=48+a/n disp('let d be the standard deviation ') d=((b/n)-(a/n)^2)^0.5 t=(m-47.5)*(n-1)^0.5/d