clear clc n=11 disp('the first row denotes the boy no. ') A(1,:)=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]; disp('the second row denotes the marks in test I (x1) ') A(2,:)=[23 20 19 21 18 20 18 17 23 16 19]; disp('the third row denotes the marks in test I (x2) ') A(3,:)=[24 19 22 18 20 22 20 20 23 20 17]; disp('the fourth row denotes the difference of marks in two tests (d)') for i=1:11 A(4,i)=A(3,i)-A(2,i); end disp('the fifth row denotes the (d-1) ') for i=1:11 A(5,i)=A(4,i)-1; end disp('the sixth row denotes the square of elements of fourth row') for i=1:11 A(6,i)=A(4,i)^2; end A a=0; disp('the sum of elements of fourth row= ') for i=1:11 a=a+A(4,i); end a b=0; disp('the sum of elements of sixth row= ') for i=1:11 b=b+A(6,i); end b disp('standard deviation') d=(b/(n-1))^0.5 t=(1-0)*(n)^0.5/2.24