clc disp('the first row of A represents the mid values of wage classes having interval of 8 in each class=x') A(1,:)=[8.5 16.5 24.5 32.5 40.5 48.5 56.5 64.5 72.5] disp('the second row denotes the no. of men or in other words frequency=f') A(2,:)=[2 24 21 18 5 3 5 8 2] disp('third row denotes f*x') for i=1:9 A(3,i)=A(1,i)*A(2,i); end disp('fourth row denotes d=(x-32.5)/8') for i=1:9 A(4,i)=(A(1,i)-32.5)/8 end disp('fifth row denotes f*d') for i=1:9 A(5,i)=A(4,i)*A(2,i); end disp('sixth row denotes f*(d^2) ') for i=1:9 A(6,i)=A(4,i)^2*A(2,i); end A b=0; disp('sum of all elements of sixth row=') for i=1:9 b=b+A(6,i) end disp(b) f=0; disp('sum of all elements of second row=') for i=1:9 f=f+A(2,i) end disp(f) disp('mean=') b/f d=0; disp('sum of all elements of fifth row=') for i=1:9 d=d+A(5,i) end disp('mean wage=') 32.5+(8*d/f) disp('standard deviation=') 8*(b/f-(d/f)^2)