clear clc disp('the first row denotes the size of item') A(1,:)=[6 7 8 9 10 11 12]; disp('the second row denotes the corresponding frequency (f)') A(2,:)=[3 6 9 13 8 5 4]; disp('the third row denotesthe corresponding deviation (d)') A(3,:)=[-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3]; disp('the fourth row denotes the corresponding f*d ') for i=1:7 A(4,i)=A(2,i)*A(3,i); end disp('the fifth row denotes the corresponding f*d^2') for i=1:7 A(5,i)=A(2,i)*(A(3,i)^2); end A b=0; disp('sum of fourth row elements=') for i=1:7 b=b+A(4,i); end disp(b) c=0 disp('sum of fifth row elements=') for i=1:7 c=c+A(5,i); end disp(c) d=0; disp('sum of all frequencies=') for i=1:7 d=d+A(2,i); end disp(d) disp('mean=9+b/d=') 9+b/d disp('standard deviation=(c/d)^0.5') (c/d)^0.5