clc disp('the first row of A represents the mid values of weekly earnings having interval of 2 in each class=x') A(1,:)=[11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41] disp('the second row denotes the no. of employees or in other words frequency=f') A(2,:)=[3 6 10 15 24 42 75 90 79 55 36 26 19 13 9 7] disp('third row denotes f*x') for i=1:16 A(3,i)=A(1,i)*A(2,i); end disp('fourth row denotes u=(x-25)/2') for i=1:16 A(4,i)=(A(1,i)-25)/2 end disp('fifth row denotes f*x') for i=1:16 A(5,i)=A(4,i)*A(2,i); end A b=0; disp('sum of all elements of third row=') for i=1:16 b+=A(3,i) end disp(b) f=0; disp('sum of all elements of second row=') for i=1:16 f+=A(2,i) end disp(f) disp('mean=') b/f d=0; disp('sum of all elements of fifth row=') for i=1:16 d+=A(5,i) end disp('mean by step deviation method=') 25+(2*d/f)