//water and its treatment// //example 2.18.20.B// clc conc_SH=15//in terms of g/lit// strength_SH=conc_SH//in terms of mgs/lit// volume_SH=20//in terms of ml// volume_H=100//in terms of ml// EDTA_SH=25//volume for Std hardwater(ml)// EDTA_H=18//volume for sample hardwater(ml)// AB_EDTA=12//volume required after boiling(ml)// CaCO3_equivalent_SH=strength_SH*volume_SH//in terms of CaCO3 equivalent// one_ml_EDTA=CaCO3_equivalent_SH/EDTA_SH//in terms of CaCO3 equivalent// To_sample=one_ml_EDTA*EDTA_H/volume_H//total hardness for given volume// To=To_sample*1000//total hardness per litre(ppm)// P_sample=AB_EDTA*one_ml_EDTA/volume_H//permanent hardness for given volume// P=P_sample*1000//permanent hardness per litre(ppm)// T=To-P printf("\nTotal Hardness is %.f mg/l or ppm",To); printf("\nTemporary Hardness is %.f mg/l or ppm",T); printf("\nPermanent Hardness is %.f mg/l or ppm",P);