//Example 8.9 From the following table calculate TFR GRR NRR clc; clear; R=0.48; BR=[23.6 114.9 145.1 122.6 79.6 35.9 3.3]; YL=[4482 4426 4359 4288 4202 4100 3979]; SRR=BR./1000; TFR=sum(SRR)*5; GRR=R*TFR; NRR=(R*sum(SRR.*YL))/1000; disp(NRR,"Net Reproduction Rate =",GRR,"Gross Reproduction Rate =",TFR,"Total Fertility Rate =",SRR,"Age Specific Fertility Rate =",YL,"Years Lived by 1000 Females =",BR,"Birth Rates per 1000 Women",R,"Ratio of females to total birth is =");