//CHAPTER 2- STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS OF SINGLE-PHASE A.C. CIRCUIT //Example 51 clc; disp("CHAPTER 2"); disp("EXAMPLE 51"); //VARIABLE INITIALIZATION Y1=0.4+(%i*0.6); //admittance of 1st branch in Siemens Y2=0.1+(%i*0.4); //admittance of 2nd branch in Siemens Y3=0.06+(%i*0.23); //admittance of 3rd branch in Siemens //SOLUTION Y=Y1+Y2+Y3; //function to convert from rectangular form to polar form function [Y,angle]=rect2pol(x,y); Y=sqrt((x^2)+(y^2)); angle=atan(y/x)*(180/%pi); //to convert the angle from radians to degrees endfunction; [Y1,angle]=rect2pol(real(Y),imag(Y)); disp(sprintf("The total admittance of the circuit is %f S, %f degrees",Y1,angle)); z=1/Y1; disp(sprintf("The impedance of the circuit is %f Ω, %f degrees",z,-angle)); //END