//CHAPTER 2- STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS OF SINGLE-PHASE A.C. CIRCUIT //Example 32 // read it as example 31 in the book on page 2.85 clc; disp("CHAPTER 2"); disp("EXAMPLE 32"); //VARIABLE INITIALIZATION //function of the waveform is deduced to be i=Im.sinΘ //SOLUTION //Iav=(1/2.π).Integral(ydΘ) from 0 to π, and π to 2.π is zero, interval is 2.π // //say Im=1; // in Amp Iav=(1/(2*%pi))*integrate('(Im*sin(th))', 'th', 0, %pi); //disp(sprintf("The average value of waveform is %f", Iav)); //RMS mean square value (1/π).Integral(y^2.dΘ) from 0 to π Ims=(1/(2*%pi))*integrate('(Im*sin(th))^2', 'th', 0, %pi); //disp(sprintf("The RMS value of waveform is %f", sqrt(Ims))); ff=sqrt(Ims)/Iav; disp(sprintf("The form factor of waveform is %f",ff)); disp(" "); // //END