//CHAPTER 2- STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS OF SINGLE-PHASE A.C. CIRCUIT //Example 3 disp("CHAPTER 2"); disp("EXAMPLE 3"); //To find average and rms value rectified sine wave shown in Fig. 2.22 //VARIABLE INITIALIZATION //Time period T=pi v_m=5; //peak value of voltage in Volts //SOLUTION //average value Vav by integrating v over 0 to pi and dividing by pi v_av=(integrate('v_m*sin(x)','x',0,%pi))/(%pi); //first v squre rms v_rms=(integrate('(v_m*sin(x))^2','x',0,%pi))/(%pi); //then V rms: The previous variable reused v_rms=sqrt(v_rms); //truncating display to 3 digits disp(sprintf("Average value of full wave rectifier sine wave is %4.3f V",v_av));// answer is wrongly shown as 3.185 in the book //truncating display to 2 digits disp(sprintf("Effective value of full wave rectifier sine wave is %4.2f V",v_rms)); //END