// Example 13.8 // Inversion with Time delay s=%s; // x(t)=20*u(t)40*u(t-3) // time domain analysis for the response y(t) yields the DE // y'(t)-5*y(t)=-x(t)=-20*u(t)+40*u(t-3)--equation (1) // after taking Laplace transform of equation (1) disp("Y(s)=(-20+40*exp(-3*s))/(s*(s-5)"); disp("=> Y(s)= F1_s-2*F1_s*exp(-3*t)") F1_s= -20/(s*(s-5)); pfe=pfss(F1_s); // Taking inverse Laplace of pfe, we get f1=4-4*exp(5*t); t=0:0.001:5; //from expansion of Y(s) y=4-4*exp(5*t)-(8-8*exp(5*(t-3))); // Using Time delay property , t>=0 plot(t,y) xlabel('t') ylabel('y(t)') title('Function Waveform')