//EXAMPLE 26.28 //LONG SHUNT COMPOUND WOUND GENERATOR clc; funcprot(0); //Variable Initialisation V=240;.............//Voltage at full load in Volts I=100;.............//Load current in Amperes Ra=0.1;.............//Armature resistance in Ohms Rse=0.02;...........//Series field resistance in Ohms Ri=0.025;..........//Interpole field resistance in Ohms Rsh=100;...........//Shunt field resistance in Ohms Li=1000;............//Iron loss at full load in Watts Lwf=500;.............//Windage and friction losses in Watts Po=V*I;...............//Output power in Watts Rat=Ra+Rse+Ri;......//Total armature circuit resistance in Ohms Ish=V/Rsh;.........//Shunt field current in Amperes Ia=I+Ish;............//Armature current in Amperes Lacu=(Ia^2)*Rat;.....//Armature circuit copper loss in Watts Lshcu=V*Ish;.........//Shunt field copper loss in Watts Lt=Lacu+Li+Lwf+Lshcu;...//Total loss in Watts y=ceil(Lt);.............//Rounding of decimal places disp(y,"Total loss in Watts:"); eff=(Po)*100/((Po)+y);..........//Efficiency in Percentage y1=round(eff*10)/10;..............//Rounding of decimal places disp(y1,"Efficiency in Percentage:");