Input Rating of the single equivalent motor = 5001117 kVA For Motor X11 = 0.3 per unit X_2 = 0.3 per unit X_0 = 0.06 per unit 3X_n = 0.09 per unit The equivalent generator reactance from neutral to ground in the zero-sequence network = 0.15 per unit Base current in motor circuit = 7217 Prefault current through line a = 0.565 - j0.350 per unit Z1 = j0.12 per unit Z2 = j0.12 per unit Z0 = j0.15 per unit Current Ia in fault = -j7.693 per unit Currents in the line at the fault from the transformer in the order Ia,Ib,Ic in per unit are - 3.0768173i 6.661D-16 + 1.5384086i 6.661D-16 + 1.5384086i Currents in the line at the fault from the transformer in the order Ia,Ib,Ic in A are 22205.016 11102.508 11102.508 Currents in the line at the fault from the motor in the order Ia,Ib,Ic in per unit are - 4.6159135i 3.331D-16 - 1.5384086i 3.331D-16 - 1.5384086i Currents in the line at the fault from the motor in the order Ia,Ib,Ic in A are 33312.486 11102.508 11102.508 Per Units currents in the order I_A,I_B,I_C in per unit are 0 8.882D-16 + 2.6646019i - 8.882D-16 - 2.6646019i Per Units currents in the order I_A,I_B,I_C in A are 0. 2775.627 2775.627 Under loaded conditions Current from transformer to the fault phase a 0.5651515 - 1.8886581i Current from motor to the fault phase a - 0.5651515 - 0.6755855i