//Chapter 12 //Page 321 //Example 12.4 //interconnected clear;clc; //Given V_bus1 = 4.16e3; V_bus_2 = 600; Vm = 600; n_m = 0.895; Pop_m = 6000; X11_m = 0.2;X_2_m = 0.20;X_0_m = 0.04;X_n_m= 0.02; Vtr_ht = sqrt(3) * 2400;Vtr_lt = 600;Ptr =3 * 2500e3; X11_tr = 0.10; Pg = 7500e3;Vg = 4.16e3; X11_g = 0.10;X_2_g = 0.10;X_0_g = 0.05;X_n_g = 0.05; //At the time of fault Pload = 5000;pf_load = 0.85;n_load = 0.88; Vbase_sysbus = Vg;Pbase_sysbus = Pg; Vbase_m = Vtr_lt;Pbase_m = Ptr; Pin_m =(Pop_m * 0.746) * 1e3/ n_m; printf("\n Input Rating of the single equivalent motor = %.0f kVA \n",Pin_m) X11_m_new = X11_m * Pbase_m / Pin_m; X_2_m_new = X_2_m * Pbase_m / Pin_m; X_0_m_new = X_0_m * Pbase_m / Pin_m; X_n_m_new = 3 * X_n_m * Pbase_m / Pin_m; disp('For Motor') printf("\nX11 = %.1f per unit\n X_2 = %.1f per unit\n X_0 = %0.2f per unit\n 3X_n = %.2f per unit\n",X11_m_new,X_2_m_new,X_0_m_new,X_n_m_new) printf("\n The equivalent generator reactance from neutral to ground in the zero-sequence network = %.2f per unit\n",3*X_0_g) Vf = 1 * (cos(0) + %i * sin(0)); Ibase_m = Pbase_m / (sqrt(3) * Vbase_m); printf("\n Base current in motor circuit = %.0f \n\n",Ibase_m) Iactual_m = 746 * Pload / (n_load * sqrt(3) * Vbase_m * pf_load); magIa = Iactual_m / Ibase_m; angleIa = - acos(0.85); Ia_prefault = magIa * (cos(angleIa) + %i * sin(angleIa)); printf("\n Prefault current through line a = %.3f - j%.3f per unit\n\n",real(Ia_prefault),abs(imag(Ia_prefault))) Eg_11 = 1;Em_11 = 1; Z1 = ((%i * X11_g + %i * X_2_g) * (%i * X11_m_new)) / (%i * (X11_g + X_2_g + X11_m_new)); Z2 = Z1;Z0 = 3 * %i * X_0_g; printf("\n\n Z1 = j%.2f per unit\n Z2 = j%.2f per unit\n Z0 = j%.2f per unit\n",abs(Z1),abs(Z2),abs(Z0)) Ia1 = Vf / (Z1 + Z2 + Z0); Ia2 = Ia1;Ia0 = Ia1; Ia_fault = 3 * Ia0; printf("\n Current Ia in fault = -j%.3f per unit \n",abs(Ia_fault)) Ia1_tr = Ia1 * (%i * X11_m_new) / (%i * X11_m_new + %i * X11_g + %i * X_2_g); Ia1_m = Ia1 * (%i * X11_g + %i * X_2_g ) / (%i *X11_m_new + %i * X11_g + %i * X_2_g); a = 1 * (cos(120 * %pi / 180) + %i * sin(120 * %pi / 180)); A = [ 1 1 1; 1 a^2 a ; 1 a a^2]; Ia_tr = [ 0 ;Ia1_tr ;Ia1_tr]; I_tr = A * Ia_tr; disp('Currents in the line at the fault from the transformer in the order Ia,Ib,Ic in per unit are') disp(I_tr) disp('Currents in the line at the fault from the transformer in the order Ia,Ib,Ic in A are') disp(abs(I_tr) * Ibase_m) Ia_m = [Ia1 ; Ia1_m ; Ia1_m]; I_m = A * Ia_m; disp('Currents in the line at the fault from the motor in the order Ia,Ib,Ic in per unit are') disp(I_m) disp('Currents in the line at the fault from the motor in the order Ia,Ib,Ic in A are') disp(abs(I_m) * Ibase_m) I_A1 = -%i * Ia1_tr;I_A2 = %i * Ia1_tr;I_a0 = 0; I_A = I_A1 + I_A2; I_B1 = a^2 * I_A1;I_B2 = a * I_A2; I_B = I_B1 + I_B2; I_C1 = a * I_A1;I_C2 = a^2 * I_A2; I_C = I_C1 + I_C2; disp('Per Units currents in the order I_A,I_B,I_C in per unit are') disp(I_A);disp(I_B);disp(I_C); Ibase_ht = Ptr / (sqrt(3) * Vtr_ht); disp('Per Units currents in the order I_A,I_B,I_C in A are') disp(abs(I_A) * Ibase_ht);disp(abs(I_B) * Ibase_ht);disp(abs(I_C) * Ibase_ht); disp('Under loaded conditions') disp('Current from transformer to the fault phase a') disp(Ia_prefault + Ia1_tr) disp('Current from motor to the fault phase a') disp(- Ia_prefault + Ia1_m)