clc //initialization of variables // At 6 degree centigrade p1sat = 37 // Vapor pressure of benzene in mm Hg p = 760 // atmospheric pressure in mm Hg y1l = 0 y10 = p1sat/p n1byDcbyl = log((1-y1l)/(1-y10))// because flux n1 = D*c/l * ln(1-y11/1-y10) n2byDcbyl = y10-y1l // Flux calculated assuming dilute solution as n1 = Dc/l*(y10-y1l) err1 = ((n1byDcbyl-n2byDcbyl)/n2byDcbyl)*100 // Percentage error printf("The error in measurement at 6 degree centigrade is %.1f percent",err1) // At 60 degree centigrade p1sat = 395 // Vapor pressure of benzene in mm Hg p = 760 // atmospheric pressure in mm Hg y1l = 0 y10 = p1sat/p n1byDcbyl = log((1-y1l)/(1-y10))// because flux n1 = D*c/l * ln(1-y11/1-y10) n2byDcbyl = y10-y1l // Flux calculated assuming dilute solution as n1 = Dc/l*(y10-y1l) err1 = ((n1byDcbyl-n2byDcbyl)/n2byDcbyl)*100 // Percentage error printf("\n The error in measurement at 60 degree centigrade is %.1f percent",err1)