//exapple 9.2 clc; funcprot(0); // Initialization of Variable pi=3.1428; rho=825; mu=1.21; g=9.81; l=0.02; de=0.02;//dia exterior di=0.012;//dia interior //calculation //part 1 zi=pi*(6*(pi*de^2/4-pi*di^2/4)*l/pi)^(2/3)/(pi*l*(di+de)+2*pi*(de^2/4-di^2/4)); disp(zi, "sphericity of Raschig ring is:"); //part 2 u=0.04; ds=0.003//diameter of each sphere zi=pi*(6*pi*ds^3/pi)^(2/3)/6/pi/ds^2;//sphericity disp(zi, "sphericity of given object is:"); Ap=4*ds^2-4*3/4*(ds^2-pi*ds^2/4);//projected area dp=sqrt(4*Ap/pi);//projected dia Re=dp*u*rho/mu; disp(Re, "Reynolds no. for the object:"); //using graph b/w Re and zi and Cd Cd=105;//coeff. of drag Fd=Ap*Cd*u^2*rho/2; disp(Fd,"The drag force on object in (N):")