//example 6.3 clc; funcprot(0); clf() //exapple 6.3 // Initialization of Variable Q=[0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05];//discharge effi_hyd=[65.4 71 71.9 67.7 57.5 39.2]; effi_over=[0 36.1 56.0 61.0 54.1 37.0]; H_sys=[0 0 0 0 0 0] d=0.114;//diameter of pipe d_o=0.096;//diameter of impeller h=8.75;//elevation g=9.81;//acc. of gravity rho=999;//denisity of water l=60;//length of pipe theta=0.611;//angle in radians B=0.0125;//width of blades pi=3.1412 mu=1.109/1000;//viscosity of water omega=2*pi*1750/60; // calculation for i=1:6 if i==1 then H_sys(i)=h; else H_sys(i)=h+8*Q(i)^2/pi^2/d^4/g*(1+8*l*0.0396/d*(4*rho*Q(i)/pi/d/mu)^-0.25); end, end; H_theor=omega^2*d_o^2/g-omega*Q/2/pi/g/B/tan(theta); //disp(H_sys"head of system (in m)"); //disp(H_theor); for i=1:6 H_eff(i)=effi_hyd(i)*H_theor(i)/100; end //disp(H_eff); plot(Q,effi_hyd, 'r--d'); plot(Q,effi_over, 'g'); plot(Q,H_eff,'k'); plot(Q,H_theor); plot(Q,H_sys ,'c-'); title('system characteritics'); ylabel('Head(m)or Efficiency(%)'); xlabel('volumetric flow rate(m^3/s)'); //calculation of power //at intersecting point using datatrip b/w H_sys &H_eff Q=0.0336 effi_over=59.9 H_eff=13.10 P=H_eff*rho*g*Q/effi_over/10; disp(P ,"Power required to pump fluid at this rate(in KW):")