//exapple 4.2 clc; funcprot(0); // Initialization of Variable rd=[0 1 2.5 5 10 15 17.5]/100;//radial distance from pipe dlv=[0 0.2 0.36 0.54 0.81 0.98 1]/100;//differnce in liquid levels r=[.175 .165 .150 .125 .075 .025 0];// g=9.81; R=8.314; rho=999; temp=289; P1=148*1000; M=7.09/100; pi=3.12 rhoCl2=P1*M/R/temp;//density of Cl2 nuCl2=1/rhoCl2;//specific volume of Cl2 function[y]=P2(x); y=P1+x*(rho-rhoCl2)*g; endfunction for i=1:7 y=P2(dlv(i)); u(i)=sqrt(2*P1*nuCl2*log(y/P1)); a(i)=u(i)*r(i); end clf(); plot(r,a); xtitle("","r (m)","u*r (m^2/s)"); s=0; for i=1:6//itegration of the plotted graph s=abs((r(i)-r(i+1))*.5*(a(i)+a(1+1)))+s; end s=s-0.01; Q=2*pi*s; disp(Q,"volumetric flow rate (m^3/s):"); disp(Q*rhoCl2,"mass flow rate of chlorine gas (kg/s)")