//Chapter-8, Example 8.3, Page 343 //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA L=0.609;//Height of the metal plate in m Ts=161;//Temperature of the wall in degree C Ta=93;//Temperature of air in degree C //CALCULATIONS Tf=(Ts+Ta)/2;//Film temperature in degree C k=0.0338;//Thermal conductivity in W/m.K v1=(26.4*10^-6);//Kinematic viscosity in m^2/s Pr=0.69;//Prantl number b=0.0025;//Coefficient of thermal expansion in 1/K a=(38.3*10^-6);//Thermal diffusivity in m^2/s Ra=((9.81*b*L^3*(Ts-Ta))/(v1*a));//Rayleigh number Nu=(0.68+((0.67*Ra^0.25)/(1+(0.492/Pr)^(9/16))^(4/9)));//Nussults number h=(Nu*k)/L;//Heat transfer coefficient in W/m^2.K Q=(h*L*(Ts-Ta));//Rate of heat transfer in W //OUTPUT mprintf('Heat transfer coefficient is %3.3f W/m^2.K \nRate of heat transfer is %3.2f W',h,Q) //=================================END OF PROGRAM==============================