//Chapter-5, Example 5.22, Page 214 //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA T=[800,200];//Limits in which temperature varies in degree C t=12;//Cycle time in h x=0.1;//Depth of penetration in m k=1.8;//Thermal conductivity in W/m.K a=0.02;//Thermal diffusivity in m^2/h //CALCULATIONS w=(2*3.14)/t;//Angular velocity in rad/h t1=sqrt(1/(2*a*w))*x;//Time lag in h Tmax=(T(1)-T(2))/2;//Range of maximum temperature in degree C q=((2*k*Tmax)/sqrt(w*a))*(3600/1000);//Heat flow through the surface in kJ/m^2 //OUTPUT mprintf('(i)Time lag of the temperature wave at a depth of 10 cm from the inner surface is %3.2f h \n(ii)The flow through a surface located at a distance of 10 cm from the surface during the first six hours interval while the temperature is above the mean value is %i kJ/m^2',t1,q) //=================================END OF PROGRAM==============================