//Chapter-3, Example 3.13, Page 70 //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA Di=0.1;//I.D of the pipe in m L=0.01;//Thickness of the wall in m L1=0.03;//Thickness of insulation in m Ta=85;//Temperature of hot liquid in degree C Tb=25;//Temperature of surroundings in degree C k1=58;//Thermal conductivity of steel in W/m.K k2=0.2;//Thermal conductivity of insulating material in W/m.K ha=720;//Inside heat transfer coefficient in W/m^2.K hb=9;//Outside heat transfer coefficient in W/m^2.K D2=0.12;//Inner diameter in m r3=0.09;//Radius in m //CALCULATIONS q=((2*3.14*(Ta-Tb))/((1/(ha*(Di/2)))+(1/(hb*r3))+(log(D2/Di)/k1)+(log(r3/(D2/2))/k2)));//Heat loss fro an insulated pipe in W/m //OUTPUT mprintf('Heat loss fro an insulated pipe is %3.2f W/m',q) //=================================END OF PROGRAM==============================