//Chapter-3, Example 3.11, Page 66 //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA T1=2000;//Temperature of hot gas in degree C Ta=45;//Room air temperature in degree C Qr1=23.260;//Heat flow by radiation from gases to inside surface of the wall in kW/m^2 h=11.63;//Convective heat transfer coefficient in W/m^2. C=58;//Thermal conductance of the wall in W/m^2.K Q=9.3;//Heat flow by radiation from external surface to the surrounding in kW.m^2 T2=1000;//Interior wall temperature in degree C //CALCULATIONS qr1=Qr1;//Haet by radiation in kW/m^2 qc1=h*((T1-T2)/1000);//Heat by conduction in kW/m^2 q=qc1+qr1;//Total heat entering the wall in kW/m^2 R=(1/C);//Thermal resistance in m^2.K/W T3=T2-(q*R*1000);//External wall temperature in degree C Ql=q-Q;//Heat loss due to convection kW/m^2 h4=(Ql*1000)/(T3-Ta);//Convective conductance in W/m^2.K mprintf('The surface temperature is %i degree C \nThe convective conductance is %3.1f W/m^2.K',T3,h4) //=================================END OF PROGRAM==============================