//example1.20 clc disp("The various branch currents are shown in the fig. 1.89. The current through branch OC is zero. Applying KVL to the various loops,") disp("-4(i2)-(R*i2)-2(i1)+10=0") disp("i.e 2(i1)+4(i2)+(R*i2)=10 ..Loop AOBA") disp("-(i1-i2)-1.5(i1-i2)-2(i1)+10=0") disp("i.e +4.5(i1)-2.5(i2)=10 ..Loop ACBA") disp("-(i1-i2)-1.5(i1-i2)+(R*i2)+4(i2)=0") disp("i.e -2.5(i1)+6.5(i2)+(R*i2)=0 ..Loop ACBOA") disp("As current through branch OC is zero, points O and C are equipotential. So drop across AO is same as drop across AC.") disp("Therefore, 4(i2)=(i1-i2) i.e (i1)=5(i2)") disp("Using in loop A-C-B-A, 4.5*5*(i2)-2.5(i2)=10") i=10/20 disp(i,"Therefore, i2(in A)=") i=5*0.5 disp(i,"and, i1(in A)=") disp("Using in loop A-O-B-A, (2*2.5)+(4*0.5)+0.5(R)=10") r=3/0.5 disp(r,"Therefore, R(in ohm)=") disp("And current through R is i2=0.5 A")