// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 7, Example 10") disp("For no loss up to throat Ps in bars") P01 = 4;//bar gam = 1.33; Ps = P01*(2/(gam+1))^(gam/(gam-1)) T01 = 1100;//K Ts = 944;//K Cpg = 1147; U = 300;//m/s C = (2*Cpg*(T01-Ts))^0.5//m/s R = 0.287; rhos = Ps*100/(R*Ts)//kg/m3 disp("Throat area in m2") m=20;//kg/s A = m/(rhos*C) disp("Angle alpha1, at any radius r and alpha1m at the design radius rm are related by the equation") disp("tan(alpha1) = rm*tan(alpha1m)/r") disp("Given") disp("Tip radius/Root radius = rt/rr = 1.4") disp("Therefore mean radius/root radius = 1.2") alpha1m = 25 alpha1r = atan(1.2*tan(alpha1m*%pi/180))*180/%pi alpha1t = atan(tan(alpha1r*%pi/180)/1.4)*180/%pi disp("Velocity in m/s") disp("Cw2 = rm*x*Cw2m/rr = rm*Ca2/(rr*tan(alpha2m))") Cw2 = 1.2*250/tan(alpha1m*%pi/180) disp("Power developed in kW") W = m*U*Cw2/1000