// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 7, Example 1") disp("From isentropic p–T relation for expansion process") disp("T02a/T01 = (P02/P01)^((gam-1)/gam)") P02 = 1.03; P01 = 5.2; T01 = 1000; gam = 1.33; T02a = T01*(P02/P01)^((gam-1)/gam) disp("Using isentropic efficiency of turbine") etat = 0.88; T02 = T01 - etat*(T01-T02a)//K disp("Using steady-flow energy equation") disp("1/2 * (C2^2 - C1^2) = Cp(T01 - T02)") Cpg = 1147; C1 = 140; C2 = (2*Cpg*(T01-T02) + C1^2)^0.5//m/s disp("From velocity triangle, velocity of whirl at rotor inlet in m/s") Cw2 = C2*sin(57*%pi/180) disp("Turbine work output is given by in kW") m = 28; Wt = m*Cpg*(T01-T02)/1000