// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 6, Example 8") disp("From triangle ABC Figure Ex68") C1 = 460; a = 22;//degrees Cw1 = C1 *cos(a*%pi/180) Ca1 = C1*sin(a*%pi/180) disp("Now from triangle BCD") BD = Ca1/tan(33*%pi/180) disp("Hence, blade speed is given by: in m/s") U = Cw1-BD disp("From Triangle BCD, relative velocity at blade inlet is given by: in m/s") V1 = Ca1/sin(33*%pi/180) disp("Velocity coefiicient") k = 0.75 V2 = V1*k disp("From triangle BEF") BF = V2*cos(33*%pi/180) Cw2 = BF-U AF = Cw2; Ca2 = V2*sin(33*%pi/180) disp("The change in velocity of whirl:") DeltaCw = Cw1+Cw2 disp("Diagram efficiency") etad = 2*DeltaCw*U/C1^2 * 100 disp("End thrust on the shaft per unit mass flow: in N") F = Ca1-Ca2