// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 6, Example 11") disp("Velocity triangles for this problem are shown in Fig.Ex611") disp("From the triangle ACD,") C1 = 700; alpha1 = 22; Ca1 = C1*sin(alpha1*%pi/180)//in m/s beta1 = 34; V1 = Ca1/sin(beta1*%pi/180)//in m/s disp("Whirl component of C1 is given by in m/s") Cw1 = C1*cos(alpha1*%pi/180) disp("BD = Cw1 - U = V1cosbeta1") BD = V1*cos(beta1*%pi/180) disp("Hence, blade speed in m/s") U = Cw1-BD disp("Using the velocity coefficient to find V2:") k = .9; V2 = k*V1 disp("From velocity triangle BEF,") beta2 = beta1; Ca2 = V2*sin(beta2*%pi/180) Cw2 = V2*cos(beta2*%pi/180) - U DeltaCw = Cw1+Cw2 disp("mass flow rate is given by m. in kg/s") P = 1600; m = P*1000/(DeltaCw*U) disp("Thrust on the shaft in N") Ft = m*(Ca1-Ca2) disp("Diagram efficiency") etad = 2*U*DeltaCw/C1^2 * 100