// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 5, Example 6") disp("Since the degree of reaction is 50%, the velocity triangle is symmetric as shown in Figure Ex56") disp("Using the degree of reaction equation") disp("DOF = Ca(tanbeta1 + tanbeta2)/2U") disp("phi = Ca/U") disp("Now, for the relative Mach number at the inlet:") DOF = 0.5; phi = 0.56; beta1 = atan(2*DOF/phi - tan(32*%pi/180))*180/%pi disp("Mr1 = V1/(gamma*RT1)^0.5") disp("V1^2 = gamma*R*Mr1^2*(T01 - C1^2/2Cp)") disp("From the velocity triangle,") disp("V1 = Ca/cosbeta1; and C1 = Ca/cosalpha1") disp("alpha1 = beta2(since DOF = 0.5)") disp("C1 = Ca/cos32 = Ca/0.848") disp("V1 = Ca/cos 49.24 = Ca/0.653") disp("Hence: C1^2/ = Ca^2/0.719; and V1^2 = Ca^2/0.426") disp("Substituting for V1 and C1,") Ca = ((104.41*295*1445)/(1445+104.41))^0.5 disp("The stagnation temperature rise may be calculated as: Rise in Kelvin = T02-T01") Cp = 1005; Rise = Ca^2*(tan(beta1*%pi/180)- tan(32*%pi/180))/(Cp*phi)