// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 4, Example 17") disp("Pressure is in bar and temperature in Kelvin") disp("Mechanical efficiency is") disp("etam = Work transferred to air/Work supplied to shaft") disp("or shaft power = W/etam") disp("for vaned impeller, slip factor, by Stanitz formula is") disp("sigma = 1 - 0.63*pi/n") n = 17; R = 287; sigma = 1-0.63*%pi/n; disp("Work input per unit mass flow") disp("W = psi*sigma*U2Cw2") psi = 1.04; U2 = 475;//m/s W = psi*sigma*U2^2 /1000 disp("Work input for 2.5 kg/s") Wi = W*2.5 disp("Shaft Power") etam = 0.96; Pshaft = Wi/etam disp("The overall pressure ratio is pRatio = P03/P01") P01 = 1.01; etac = 0.84; Cp = 1005; T01 = 288; pRatio = (1+etac*psi*sigma*U2^2 /(Cp*T01))^3.5 disp("Stagnation pressure at diffuser exit") P03 = P01*pRatio m = 2.5; T03 = Wi*1000/(m*Cp) +T01 T02 = T03; disp("Static temperature at diffuser exit") C3 = 90; T3 = T03 - C3^2 /(2*Cp) disp("Static pressure at diffuser exit") P3 = P03*(T3/T03)^3.5 disp("The reaction is 0.5 = (T2 - T1)/(T3 - T1)") disp("x = T3 - T1") C1 = 150; x = Wi*1000/(m*Cp) + (C1^2 - C3^2)/(2*Cp) disp("y = T2-T1") y = 0.5*x disp("Substituting T2 - T1") T2 = T01 - C1^2 /(2*Cp) + y disp("At the impeller exit") disp("T02 = T2 + C2^2/2Cp") disp("T03 = T2 + C2^2/2Cp (Since T02 = T03)") C2 = (2*Cp*((T03-T01)+(T01-T2)))^0.5 disp("Mach number at impeller outlet") M2 = C2/(1.4*R*T2)^0.5 disp("Radial velocity at impeller outlet") Cw2 = sigma*U2; Cr2 = (C2^2 - Cw2^2)^0.5 disp("Diffuser efficiency is given by") disp("etaD = (h3a - h2)/(h3 - h2)") disp(" = isentropic enthalpy increase/actual enthalpy increase") disp(" = (T3a - T2)/(T3 - T2)") disp(" z = P3/P2 implies") etaD = 0.821; z = (1+etaD *(T3-T2)/T2)^3.5 P2 = P3/z disp("From isentropic P–T relations in bars") P02 = P2*(T02/T2)^3.5 disp("Impeller efficiency is") etai = T01*((P02/P01)^0.286 -1)/(T03-T01) * 100 rho2 = P2/(R*T2) * 10^5//in kg/m3 disp("m = rho2A2Cr2") disp(" = 2pi*r2*rho2*b2") m = 2.5; b2 = 0.0065; N = U2*2.27*246.58*b2*60/m