// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 4, Example 14") disp("The absolute Mach number of the air at the impeller tip is:") disp("M2 = C2/(gamma*R*T2)^0.5") disp("where T2 is the static temperature at the impeller tip. Let us first calculate C2 and T2.") U2 = 364; sigma = 0.89; Cw2 = sigma*U2 disp("From the velocity triangle,") Cr2 = 28; C2 = (Cr2^2+Cw2^2)^0.5 disp("With zero whirl at the inlet") disp("W/m = sigam*U2^2 = Cp (T02 - T01)") T01 = 288; Cp = 1005; T02 = T01 + sigma*U2^2 / Cp disp("Static Temperature") T2 = T02 - C2^2 /(2*Cp) gamma = 1.4; R = 287; M2 = (C2^2/(gamma*R*T2))^0.5 disp("Using the isentropic P–T relation:") disp("Ratioa = P02/P01 ") etac = 0.88; Ratioa = (1+etac * (T02/T01 - 1))^3.5 disp("Ratiob = P2/P02") Ratiob = (T2/T02)^3.5 P01 = 1*100; disp("Static Pressure in kPa") P2 = Ratiob*Ratioa*P01 rho2 = P2*1000/(R*T2) disp("Mass flow: in kg/s") A = 0.085;//m2 m = rho2*Cr2*A