// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 4, Example 12") disp("Figure shows the velocity triangle with the prewhirl angle. From the velocity triangle:") Ca = 145;//m/s C1 = Ca/cos(20*%pi/180)//m/s disp("Equivalent dynamic temperature: Eq = C1^2/2Cp") Cp = 1005; Eq = C1^2 / (2*Cp) Cw1 = Ca*tan(20*%pi/180) disp("Relative velocity at the inlet:") Ue = 220;//m/s V1 = (Ca^2 +(Ue - Cw1)^2)^0.5 disp("Therefore the static temperature at the inlet:") T01 = 290;//K T1 = T01-Eq gamma = 1.4; R = 287; M1 = V1/(gamma*R*T1)^0.5 disp("Note the reduction in Mach number due to prewhirl.")