// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 4, Example 10") disp("Inlet stagnation temperature:") R = 287; Ta = 298; C1 = 145; Cp = 1005; T01 = Ta + C1^2 /(2*Cp) disp("Using the isentropic P–T relation for the compression process,") disp("x = P03/P01") x = 4; T03a = T01 * (4)^0.286 disp("Using the compressor efficiency,") disp("T02-T01 = y") T02a = T03a; etac = 0.89; y = (T02a-T01)/etac disp("Hence, work done on the air is given by: in kJ/kg") W = Cp * y / 1000 U2 = (W*1000/0.89)^0.5 //m/s disp("Hence, the impeller tip diameter") N = 15000;//rpm D = 60*U2/(%pi*N)//m disp("The air density at the impeller eye is given by:") P1 = 1*100; rho1 = P1/(R*Ta)* 1000 disp("Using the continuity equation in order to find the area at the impeller eye,") m = 8;//kg/m A1 = m/(rho1*C1) //m2 disp("The power input is: in kW") P = m*W