// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 3, Example 7") disp("Refering Figure") disp("Head = 90m") disp("Head lost due to friction = 30m") disp("Head available at the nozzle = 90 - 30 = 60m") Q = 1//m3/s disp("From inlet diagram") Cv = 0.98; g = 9.81; H = 60; C1 = Cv *(2*g*H)^0.5 U1 =12; disp("Therefore") V1 = C1-U1 disp("From outlet velocity triangle") V2 = V1 alpha = 15; disp("neglecting losses in m/s") U2 = U1; Cw2 = V2*cos(alpha*%pi/180)-U2 Cr2 = V2*sin(alpha*%pi/180) C2 = (Cw2^2+Cr2^2)^0.5 disp("Work done in kJ/kg") W = (C1^2-C2^2)/2 disp("Note Work done can also be found by using Euler’s equation (Cw1U1 + Cw2U2)") Power = W //kW disp("Hydraulic Efficiency") Efficiency = W*2/C1^2