// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 3, Example 19") disp("Hydraulic efficiency is") disp("etah = Power deleloped/Power available") disp(" =m(Cw1U1 - Cw2U)/rhogQH") disp("Since flow is radial at outlet, then Cw2 = 0 and m = rhoQ, therefore") disp("etah = Cw1U1/gH") g = 9.81; H= 5; U1 = 9.6; etah = 80;//% Cw1 = etah *g*H/(9.6*100) disp("Radial velocity Cr1 = 4m/s") Cr1 = 4; disp("tan(alpha1) = Cr1/Cw1 (from velocity triangle)") alpha1 = atan(Cr1/Cw1)*180/%pi disp("i.e., inlet guide vane angle alpha1 = 44.38") disp("tan(beta1) = Cr1/(Cw1 - U1 )") beta1 = 180+atan(Cr1/(Cw1-U1))*180/%pi disp("Runner speed is") N = 230; D1 = 60*U1/(%pi*N) disp("Overall efficiency") disp("etao = Power output/Power available") rho = 1000; Q = 130*1000/(0.72*rho*g*H) disp("But Q = pi*D1h1Cr1 (where h1 is the height of runner)") h1 = Q/(%pi*D1*Cr1)