// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 3, Example 14") disp("Discharge, Q") Q = 0.5//m3/s disp("Velocity of flow at inlet, Cr1") Cr1 = 1.5//m/s disp("Velocity of periphery at inlet, U1") U1 = 20 disp("Velocity of whirl at inlet, Cw1") Cw1 = 15 disp("As the velocity of flow is constant, Cr1 = Cr2") Cr2 = Cr1 disp("Let beta1 = vane angle at inlet") disp("From inlet velocity triangle") beta1 = 180 - atan(Cr1/(U1-Cw1)) *180/%pi g = 9.81; disp("Since the discharge is radial at outlet, and so the velocity of whirl at outlet is zero. Therefore,") H = Cw1*U1/g + Cr1^2/(2*g)//m