// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 3, Example 10") disp("Refering Figures") disp("Since this is an impulse turbine, assume coefficient of velocity = 0.98") disp("Therefore the absolute velocity at inlet is") Cv = 0.98; g = 9.81; H = 35; C1 = Cv*(2*g*H)^0.5 disp("The velocity of whirl at inlet") alpha1 = 30; Cw1 = C1*cos(alpha1*%pi/180) disp("Since U1 = U2 = U") disp("Using outlet velocity triangle") disp("C2 = U2tan(beta2) = U tan(beta2) = U tan(22)") disp("Hydraulic efficiency of turbine (neglecting losses)") //etah = Cw1U1/gH = (H - C2^2/2g)/H //22.24U + 0.082U^2 - 9.81H = 0 disp("As U is positive,") U = (-22.24 + ((22.4)^2 + 4*0.082*g*H)^0.5)/(2*0.082) - 0.9 disp("Now using relation") disp("U = %pi*D*N/60") D = 1.5; N = 60*U/(%pi*D) disp("Hydraulic efficiency") etah = Cw1*U/(g*H)