// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 2, Example 6") // Velocity of flow through impeller is constant so Cr1 = Cr2 = 3.5 m/s disp("Tangential Velocity of impeller at inlet in m/s is :") //Din and D2 are diameters in meters, N is in rpm, Cr2 in m/s Din = 0.3; D2 = 0.6; N = 950; Cr2 = 3.5; U1 = %pi * Din * N / 60 //tanalpha1 = Cr1/U1 3.5/14.93 = 0.234 disp("vane inlet angle of pump alpha1 : ") alpha1 = atan(0.234) * 180/ %pi disp("Tangential velocity of impeller at outlet in m/s:") U2 = %pi * D2 * N / 60 disp("Now For velocity of whirl at impeller outlet,using velocity triangle.in m/s is :") Cw2 = U2 - Cr2 / tan(46*%pi/180) //As c2^2 = Cw2^2 + Cw2^2 , Therefore disp(" Velocity of water at outlet C2 in m/s is :") C2 = (Cr2^2 + Cw2^2)^(1/2) disp("alpha2 be the direction of water outlet, Thus we have :") alpha2 = atan(Cr2/Cw2)*(180/%pi) disp("Work Done in Newton meters is given by :") W = Cw2*U2