// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Turbomachinery Design and Theory,Rama S. R. Gorla and Aijaz A. Khan, Chapter 2, Example 19") N = 1445//rpm Q = 0.0352//m3/s Ns = 14//rpm g=9.81; disp("Head developed in each stage is H in m: ") H = (N * (Q^(1/2))/Ns)^(4/3) disp("Total head required = 845m") disp("Number of stages needed = 845/52 = 16") disp("Number of stages in each pump = 8") disp("Impeller speed at tip is U2 in m/s") U2 = 0.96*(2*g*H)^0.5 disp("Impeller Diameter at tip D2") //D2 = %pi*60*30.6*1445 disp("But U2 = pi*D2*N/60 Therefore D2 real in m") D2real = U2 *60/(%pi*1445)