clear; clc; xdel(winsid()); //close all windows s = %s; G = syslin('c',(s^2-4*s+20)/((s+2)*(s+4))); zeroes = roots(numer(G)); disp(zeroes,"zeroes are:"); poles = roots(denom(G)); disp(poles,"poles are:"); evans(G,10); v = [-6 6 -6 6]; mtlb_axis(v) sgrid([0.45,0],[0],32);//displays the zeta = 0,0.45 line curve_handles=datatipGetEntities()//gets the entities required curve_handles.visible='off'; curve_handles.visible='on'; zeta = 0.45;//damping ratio = 0.45 anglezeta = (%pi-acos(0.45))*180/%pi; disp(anglezeta,"angle made by the line with zeta = 0.45 to the root locus:"); printf("from root locus plotwe have for stable system gain K =(0,1.5)");