clear; clc; xdel(winsid()); //close all windows s = %s; G = syslin('c',(s+2)/((s+3)*(s^2+2*s+2))); evans(G,10); xgrid(); a = gca(); = "on"; a.data_bounds = [-6 -3; 2 3]; a.children(1).visible = 'off'; xtitle('Root locus of G(s) = (s+2)/ ((s+3)*(s^2+2*s+2))'); up = roots(numer(G));disp(up,"zero of G(s)="); down = roots(denom(G));disp(down,"poles of G(s)="); test = -1+%i; //calculating the angle made by the vector from zero to the pole zeroangle = atan((imag(down(2))-imag(up)),(real(down(2))-real(up)))*180/%pi; //calculating the angle made by the vector from rest of the poles to the pole pole1angle = atan((imag(down(2))-imag(down(1))),(real(down(2))-real(down(1))))*180/%pi; pole3angle = atan((imag(down(2))-imag(down(3))),(real(down(2))-real(down(3))))*180/%pi; //angle of departure = 180-(sum of angles from the rest of the poles)+(sum of angles from the zeroes) depang = 180-(pole1angle+pole3angle)+zeroangle; disp(depang,"=",down(2),"angle of departure from ");