//Example 3.5 //Absolute, Relative and Percentage Errors //Page no. 52 clc;clear;close; x=9.12345;y=7.654321; x1=9.1234;y1=7.6543; //on a 5 decimal computer ex=x-x1; //absolute error of x ey=y-y1; //absolute error of y z1=x1+y1; printf('\nAbsolute Error in x= %f',ex); printf('\nAbsolute Error in y= %f',ey); printf('\nAddition on a 5 decimal computer yields= %.5g',z1); z2=16.777; printf('\nAbsolute Total Error= %f',x+y-z2); printf('\nAbsolute Propagated Error= %f',x+y-z1); printf('\nAbsolute Round-off Error= %.4g',z1-z2); printf('\nRealtive Total Error= %.4g',(x+y-z2)/(x+y)); printf('\nRelative Propagated Error= %.2g',(x+y-z1)/(x+y)); printf('\nRelative Round-off Error= %.3g',(z1-z2)/(x+y)); printf('\nBound on the propagated relative error= %f',2*10^-4); printf('\nBound on the total relative error= %f',3*10^-4); printf('\nAs we can see that both the propagated and total relative error are less than their bound values')