printf("\t example 5.5 \n"); printf("\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n"); printf("\t for inlet \n"); t1=99.1; // temperature of inlet,F t2=129.2; // temperature of outlet,F c=.478; // Btu/(hr)*(ft)*(F/ft) mu=2.95*2.42; // lb/(ft)(hr) k=0.078; // Btu/(hr)*(ft)*(F/ft) G=854000; // mass velocity,lb/(ft^2)(hr) D=0.622/12; // diameter,ft Re=((D)*((G)/(mu)))^(0.9); printf("\t Re is : %.2e \n",Re); Pr=((c)*(mu)/k)^(1/3); // prandtl number raised to power 1/3 printf("\t Pr is : %.2f \n",Pr); Nu=0.0115*(Re)*(Pr); // formula for nusselt number printf("\t nusselt number is : %.0f \n",Nu); hi=((k)*(Nu)/(D)); // heat transfer coefficient printf("\t heat transfer coefficient is : %.0f \n",hi); // caculation mistake in book printf("\t for outlet \n"); c=.495; // Btu/(hr)*(ft)*(F/ft) mu=2.20*2.42; // lb/(ft)(hr) k=0.078; // Btu/(hr)*(ft)*(F/ft) G=854000; // mass velocity,lb/(ft^2)(hr) D=0.622/12; // diameter,ft Re=((D)*((G)/(mu)))^(.9); // reynolds number raised to poer 0.9, calculation mistake in book printf("\t Re is : %.2e \n",Re); Pr=((c)*(mu)/k)^(1/3); // prandtl number raised to power 1/3 printf("\t Pr is : %.2f \n",Pr); Nu=0.0115*(Re)*(Pr); // formula for nusselt number printf("\t nusselt number is : %.0f \n",Nu); hi=((k)*(Nu)/(D)); // heat transfer coefficient printf("\t heat transfer coefficient is : %.0f \n",hi); // caculation mistake in book //end