printf("\t example 20.8c \n"); printf("\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n"); m=270; // cfm t1=70; t2=120; L=1.5; // ft B=1.5; // ft c=0.25 row=0.075; // lb/ft^3 Q=(m*row*60*c*(t2-t1)); printf("\t heat : %.2e Btu \n",Q); V=(m/(L*B*60)); // fps printf("\t velocity is : %.0f fps \n",V); printf("\t Refer to Fig.20.22a.The air is capable of removing 33watts/in which is the maximum dissipation which may be expected. Any group of heaters providing 5 kw which do not require a dissipation of more than 33 w/in. and which will fit into the duct will be satisfactory \n"); printf("\t Thus in Table 20.3 elements of 350 watts with a total length each of 18 in. each are satisfactory \n"); // end